Bodhi Farms Standard CSA
The standard Full Season Bodhi CSA share option is 24 weeks long. This season begins the week of May 24th and ends the week of October 18th. The distributions are weekly. Payments over $610 will be used to subsidize shares for low income members.
For those who want only an abbreviated Stand CSA share, we offer a 20 week option which ends the week of October 15th.
The standard CSA includes the following vegetables when available in season. These might change based on the CSA members voting but these are based on the historical patterns at the farm. We will hold a meeting in the Spring to determine crops that will be planted.
- Peas
- Kale
- Cabbage
- Salad Mix
- Squash
- Arugula
- Green Beans
- Yellow Wax Beans
- Purple Beans
- Green Beans
- Heirloom Tomatoes
- Chard
- Calabacitas
- Strawberries
- Carrots
- Beets
- Beet Greens
- Basil
- Sage
- Braising Mix
- Oregano
- Mint
- Onions